Introductory Post

I’ve pretty much stated all this same information on my about page but thought I should create an official intro post to, you know, make the blog official. haha!

So what’s this blog all about? Side hustles, side jobs, gigs, gig economy, moonlighting, side incomes, freelance work, whatever you want to call it. This site is all about additional ways you can make money in your free time, outside of your full-time employment.

As you already know, due to several factors, the main one being the global adoption of the internet and computing technology, the landscape of opportunities for people to earn a living, or do anything else for that matter, has become limitless.

I’m currently employed as a full-time pipefitter but on the weekends I recently started a side hustle as an Uber driver so I started this blog to share my experience and hopefully the information will be useful for others who are curious about becoming an Uber driver. The reason I chose as the domain name is because I’m fascinated with the gig economy and I wanted a domain that would allow me to cover a broader range of side hustles. I’m currently only doing Uber but I plan to start trying out other side hustles soon.

As soon as I find the time, I’ll be posting things like my detailed earnings, hours worked, problems, and overall experiences with Uber.

Until next time.

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