How Long Should a Blog Post Be?

Since I only recently started blogging, I can’t yet offer any sage blogging advice because I’ve yet to experience any success with blogging. But the whole point of this blog is for me to document and share my learnings so others can benefit from my experiences.

So as I go through my blogging journey, I’ll be sharing my learnings here.

In terms of number of words, how long should a blog post be? I can’t remember where I heard this but I thought it was a clever explanation.

“A blog post is like a mini skirt. It needs to be long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to keep it interesting.”

Moving forward, I plan to keep my posts concise and valuable rather than random rants about how I feel that day so I hope you’ll find something useful enough to keep you coming back!

If you have any specific requests or suggestions, please comment below.

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